
World Building with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

In-Movie Sequences


GenPop’s Ben Conrad was brought into Marvel to enrich a series of in-film sequences. The task in “The Avengers” was to create a “bridge moment,” where, at the end of the film, the world first learns of the existence of the Avengers.

The goal was to add an uplifting, emotional element at the end of the film, to take the sting off of an otherwise pyrrhic victory. Conrad shot the sequence over a period of 2 days in Los Angeles on locations that gave it a more global range.

For Iron Man 3, Conrad was brought in to conceptualize the “branding” of The Mandarin's broadcasts. The broadcasts were meant to stoke fear among the masses. “Captain America 2: Winter Soldier” required sequences that revealed the satellite super weapon, “Project Insight.” Conrad was once again brought in as creative director for the UI of the device as well as the film inserts of the “targets."